The best fertility treatment centers in Tehran

Tehran, the capital of Iran, is one of the largest tourist-therapeutic cities in Iran. The existence of well-equipped and advanced medical centers and expert and experienced doctors have made Tehran the destination for treatment for many Iranian and non-Iranian patients. Thousands of patients from different countries travel to Tehran every year to receive various medical services. Infertility treatment is one of the medical services provided in the best centers and hospitals in Tehran with excellent quality. Next, we will introduce the best fertility treatment and IVF centers in Tehran.

Royan Fertility Treatment Center in Tehran

Royan Research Institute was established in 1991 by Dr. Saeed Kazemi Ashtiani to provide infertility treatment services and conduct research in fertility sciences and infertility treatment. This research institute is one of the first infertility treatment centers in Iran, which has fulfilled the dream of having a child for many infertile couples.

مركز رويان لعلاج العقم في طهران

Royan fertility treatment center is currently one of Tehran’s best infertility treatment centers. Using the latest scientific achievements and advanced equipment, this clinic’s doctors have been able to achieve significant results in treating infertility and the birth of live babies. So that the success rate of IVF in this center is comparable and competitive with the best infertility treatment centers in the world. (Learn more about the chance of success in IVF:  What Increases IVF Success Rates

Royan Research Institute is known not only in Iran but also in the Middle East as a leading and successful center in the field of infertility treatment. For this reason, hundreds of infertile couples from all over the world travel to Iran for treatment at this center every year. So far, more than 5,000 foreign couples have come to Royan Center to receive infertility treatment services, and more than 30,000 Iranian and non-Iranian couples have had children using the services of this center.

A wide range of infertility treatment methods such as IVF, ICSI, IUI, etc. is performed at Royan Clinic. In addition, diagnostic services such as various tests, ultrasounds, hysteroscopy, laparoscopy, radiology, and HSG are also provided in this center. Preimplantation genetic screening (PGS), Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), egg donation, TESE and PESA surgery, and egg, sperm, and embryo freezing services are among other services offered at this center.

MOM Fertility & Infertility Center in Tehran

Mom Infertility Treatment Center is one of the newest and most equipped infertility treatment centers in Tehran. Dr. Minoo Taheri founded this center, To provide the most complete and updated infertility treatment services. MOM Fertility & Infertility Center in Tehran is modeled after the Colorado Infertility Center (CCRM), which has the highest fertility rate in the world.

مركز مام لعلاج العقم و اطفال الانابيب في طهران

MOM  fertility treatment center is known as one of the most advanced infertility treatment centers in Iran by using the most up-to-date equipment in the departments of embryology, laboratories, operating rooms, and radiology. The cooperation of the best infertility treatment doctors with the MoM center has kept the success rate of IVF in this center at the same level as the best infertility treatment centers in the world.

At Mom infertility treatment center, an effort has been made to provide the best infertility treatment services, to provide a pleasant and unique physical environment for the clients so that the patients have more comfort during the treatment process.

MOM IVF center is one of the comprehensive centers providing fertility services, pregnancy health, and infertility treatment. Therefore, the clients of this center can receive all the necessary diagnostic and treatment services in this center. Mom center provides advanced laboratory services, diagnostic ultrasounds, hysteroscopy and laparoscopy, and TESE surgery, along with infertility treatment methods such as IVF, ICSI, IUI, IVF with donor eggs, surrogate uterus, Fetal Gender Determination, etc.

The high success rate of this center has led to the fact that in addition to Iranian couples, many non-Iranian couples also come to this center to receive infertility treatment services and achieve their dream of having a healthy child.

Bahman Hospital in Tehran

Bahman Hospital is a super-specialized hospital in Tehran that has various clinics. The infertility treatment clinic is one of the clinics of this hospital, which was established in 2012 by a group of Iranian infertility treatment specialists. This clinic has been able to quickly become one of the poles of infertility treatment in Iran with the cooperation of the best infertility treatment doctors in Iran experienced medical personnel and the use of advanced equipment and well-equipped operating rooms.

Bahman Hospital For IVF in Tehran

In Bahman Hospital’s infertility treatment clinic, all stages of infertility treatment, including a complete examination of women by a gynecologist, a complete examination of men by a urologist, specialized tests, ovulation stimulation, in vitro fertilization by IVF or ICSI, diagnostic and therapeutic surgeries such as hysteroscopy, laparoscopy, Testicular Sperm Extraction (TESE), and… Is done.

In addition, in this clinic, all necessary tests and examinations are performed to investigate the causes of repeated abortion, repeated IVF failure, and its treatment. These examinations include a complete examination of women in terms of uterine, immunological, genetic, hormonal, infectious, etc. factors and a complete examination of men in terms of sperm quality and genetic problems. Other services offered in this clinic include egg donation, Preimplantation genetic screening (PGS), Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), embryo peeling with laser (to improve implantation), embryo freezing, etc.

Avicenna Fertility Treatment Center in Tehran

Avicenna’s specialized center for the treatment of infertility and repeated abortion started its activity in 2003. This center is one of the best infertility treatment and IVF centers in Tehran with seven infertility treatment clinics including a repeated abortion treatment clinic, an alternative treatment and donation clinic, a sexual health clinic, an endometriosis clinic, a maternal and fetal health clinic, and a breast clinic.

مركز ابن سينا لعلاج العقم وطفل الأنبوب في طهران

Avicenna Center is the first center in Iran that specializes in the treatment of repeated IVF failure and repeated miscarriage. This center, in cooperation with the German ART Center, has conducted numerous types of research in the field of infertility treatment and treatment of repeated miscarriages, and the results of this research have greatly contributed to the success of the treatment of the clients of this center.

In the Avicenna Fertility Treatment Center, in addition to IUI, IVF, and ICSI treatment methods, assisted reproductive services of egg donation and sperm donation are also provided to Iranian and non-Iranian infertile couples.

Amin IVF Center in  Tehran

Amin Specialized Center is one of the modern and leading infertility treatment centers in Iran. Amin Center’s cooperation with skilled and experienced doctors has made this center provide high-quality services to its patients.

Amin IVF Center in Tehran

Amin Infertility Treatment Center is the best infertility treatment center in the west of Tehran that provides treatment services to many groups of Iranian and non-Iranian infertility couples. Relying on up-to-date knowledge and using modern devices, the doctors of this center can diagnose the exact causes of infertility in patients and suggest effective treatment methods for infertile couples.

At Amin Center, IVF, ICSI, IUI, and egg donation methods are performed to treat infertility. In addition, Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), varicocele treatment and TESE surgery, etc. are also provided in this center.

IVF and fertility treatment in Tehran

The first and most crucial step in the infertility treatment process is choosing a high-quality and well-equipped treatment center. The expertise and experience of doctors and treatment staff, advanced equipment, and high-quality services have a significant impact on the success of the infertility treatment process. The best IVF and infertility treatment centers in Tehran always use up-to-date medical knowledge and advanced laboratory equipment, which has made the success rate of these centers equal to the best centers in the world.

These centers offer quality infertility treatment services at reasonable prices. Therefore, many infertile couples from different cities and countries travel to Tehran for infertility treatment. Learn more about the packages of fertility treatment: The cost of Fertility treatment packages

Hayat Medtor, in cooperation with the best infertility treatment centers and doctors, tries to be with you on this path so that your dream of becoming a parent comes true.

For more information about the best IVF and fertility treatment centers in Iran and Tehran,  please contact us.

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