The Cares After Embryo Transfer

IVF is one of the most effective methods of assisted reproduction and fertility treatment in which a couple’s eggs and sperm are fertilized in the laboratory and an embryo is formed. In some cases, due to the low quality of the eggs or the low ovarian reserve in the infertile couple, the use of egg donation from a better embryo is recommended. In the IVF process, after the embryo is formed in the laboratory, 2 or 3 embryos are transferred to the mother’s uterus. In order to increase the chances of successful IVF, in addition to following the recommendations before starting the treatment process, post-embryo care should also be considered. Performing some care after embryo transfer may increase the likelihood of embryo implantation in the mother’s uterus.

Regular use of drugs and supplements after embryo transfer

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One of the most important factors in the success of IVF is the regular use of medications according to the doctor’s instructions. In addition to the medications prescribed during the treatment period, medications are also prescribed after the embryo transfer. Therefore, regular use of medications after the transfer of the embryo, according to the doctor’s suggestion, is very critical. Medications prescribed after embryo transfer usually include hormonal drugs and some supplements such as folic acid, vitamin D, and fish oil. Discontinuation of these drugs and arbitrary use of other drugs after embryo transfer should be avoided.

Proper nutrition after embryo transfer

Having a healthy and balanced diet, in addition to maintaining proper fitness and weight, also helps to get the necessary minerals needed by the body. Research shows that having a balanced weight and following a healthy diet before and after embryo transfer increases the chances of implantation and healthy pregnancy.

Doctors recommend that changes and improvements in the diet should be started before the treatment process and gradually, and major changes in diet, during treatment and after the embryo transfer are not recommended. It is important to pay attention to the following food sources after embryo transfer:

  • Rich food sources of folate. Folic acid is essential for the proper development of fetal neural tubes. As the fetus grows, the neural tubes become the brain and spinal cord, which is important for the proper growth and survival of the fetus. Dark green vegetables such as spinach and broccoli, fruits such as citrus fruits and avocados, legumes such as peas, and beans are rich sources of folate. In addition, nuts, eggs, and peanut butter are good sources of folate.
  • Rich sources of calcium. Calcium is essential for many of the body’s mechanisms, such as bone formation and the function of enzymes and hormones. Therefore, their balanced consumption is very important for fetal growth and the effective performance of hormones after embryo transfer. Eggs and pasteurized dairy products such as milk, yogurt, and cheese are rich sources of calcium (Unpasteurized dairy products should be avoided, which increases the risk of some diseases).
  • Rich sources of fiber. To prevent constipation; after the transfer of the fetus, it is better to eat foods rich in fiber. Oilseeds and whole grains such as barley, brown rice, wheat, bread, and pasta; Fruits and vegetables are rich sources of fiber that help with digestion.
  • Rich sources of vitamins. Vitamins are very important sources for fetal growth and the prevention of defects in infants. Foods such as cereals, eggs, citrus fruits, broccoli, kale, spinach, carrots, squash, tomatoes, and bell peppers are good sources of vitamins after embryo transfer.
  • Rich sources of minerals. Balanced consumption of foods containing minerals such as zinc, iodine, magnesium, phosphorus, and iron, in addition to increasing the chances of embryo implantation, also contributes to the health and growth of the fetus. White meats such as chicken and fish, red meat, nuts, fruits, and oilseeds are rich sources of useful and essential minerals after embryo transfer.
  • Drinking enough water. It is important to drink enough water during the IVF process and after the embryo transfer. Doctors recommend drinking 8 glasses of water a day. It is recommended to drink this amount of water even when you consume other fluids in your diet.

Proper nutrition after embryo transfer

In addition to maintaining balance and variety in meals, maintaining order when eating is also very important. Some women may have trouble sleeping at night after an embryo transfer and wake up late in the morning, delaying breakfast, which is not strongly recommended. Eating time is one of the most important nutritional points after embryo transfer because embryonic cells are rapidly dividing and growing and are very sensitive to changes in the environment and the level of sugar and nutrients in the body.

Resting after the embryo transfer

Complete bed rest after the embryo transfer does not increase the chances of embryo implantation, so the patient can return to their daily activities after discharge from the hospital. In addition, taking medications prescribed after the embryo transfer without adequate mobility can increase the risk of blood clots and prevent blood flow to the fetus and its growth. Therefore, complete bed rest after embryo transfer is not only not recommended but can also be dangerous. Therefore, it is better for the person to be sufficiently active after the transfer of the embryo.

In addition, bathing after the embryo transfer is unrestricted. But it should be noted that the water used for bathing should not be too hot as it can damage the pregnancy. You should also avoid going to the sauna, Jacuzzi, and hot tub.

Adequate sleep after embryo transfer

Adequate sleep after the embryo transfer is very important and increases the likelihood of embryo implantation. Some people think that in order to increase their chances of embryo implantation, they should put their feet at a higher level when sleeping, but this is a misconception. How you sleep after the transfer of the embryo does not increase the likelihood of embryo implantation, and any sleeping position in which the woman feels comfortable is unobstructed.

Exercising after the embryo transfer

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Some people think that exercise after embryo transfer prevents embryo implantation and reduces the chances of successful IVF, but this is not true. (Learn more tips to increase your chances of IVF success: How to Increase Your Chances of IVF Success) Doctors recommend that mothers start exercising before starting treatment and continue exercising after the embryo is transferred. Research shows that exercise, in addition to maintaining a healthy weight, helps to improve the condition of the uterus for pregnancy and increases the chances of implantation of the embryo. Of course, you should avoid strenuous exercise such as running, lifting weights, and bending too much, as these exercises thicken the uterine wall and reduce the chance of embryo implantation by transferring blood flow from the uterus to other parts of the body. It is better for people to do light exercises such as walking, stepping, and yoga after embryo transfer.

Avoid drinking alcohol and smoking

Smoking and alcohol consumption after embryo transfer reduces the risk of embryo implantation in the uterus and disrupts pregnancy. In addition, alcohol consumption interferes with some medications and can cause problems for both the mother and fetus. Therefore, alcohol drinking and smoking should be avoided after embryo transfer. Learn more about the effect of smoking on fertility: How smoking affects female and male fertility

Avoid having sex after embryo transfer

There are different opinions about having or not having sex after embryo transfer. Some doctors consider it safe to have sex after embryo transfer, and some do not recommend it. But since vaginal sex can increase uterine contractions, it is best to abstain from sex for a few days after the transfer of the embryo.

Keep calm and think positive

Keeping calm and positive thinking after the embryo transfer contributes greatly to the success of treatment. Women should be able to control and manage the stress and negative thoughts that come to them with the help of family, friends, and meditation, and strengthen their spirits by reading hopeful books, watching motivational movies, and praying.

Is it possible to travel after the embryo transfer?

travel after the embryo transfer

Many infertile couples travel to cities and other countries, such as Iran, to receive quality medical care, and are concerned that traveling and returning to their home country will reduce the chances of successful treatment. But do not worry, the evidence shows that traveling after embryo transfer is not a problem. But it should be noted that if you travel for a long time by car or plane, it is better for a woman to walk for about 10 minutes after each hour of sitting and drink enough fluids.

The success of IVF depends on several factors. Some of these factors affect the success of IVF before the start of the treatment process, and some should be considered after the end of the treatment process and embryo transfer. Paying attention to the set of strategies and care before treatment and after embryo transfer can increase the chances of successful treatment and embryo implantation and make the dream of many infertile couples a reality. Learn more about causes of IVF failure: Why does IVF Fail for some people?

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